Tel: (604) 364-1417
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy encompasses hands-on techniques that restore mobility to stiff joints and release muscle tension. This allows your body to move more freely with less pain.
Common techniques include:
-soft tissue mobilization (massage)
-passive range of motion
-joint mobilization
-joint manipulation
Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)
Gunn IMS is a total system for the diagnosis and treatment of persistent myofascial pain syndromes, including muscle, joint, tendon, bursal, neural and biomechanical problems. The approach, using intramuscular dry needling, is based on a neuropathic model of musculoskeletal dysfunction developed by Dr. Chan Gunn.
Anatomical Acupuncture
Anatomical acupuncture is a modern approach taken today by Acupuncture Canada. When combined with knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, physiotherapists can use acupuncture effectively to treat a variety of disorders. Some examples include:
-neck pain and headache
-lower back pain
Exercise Prescription and Education
Exercises will be individually tailored to reflect your body's current ability, and will progress as you improve.
You will receive education regarding your specific presentation, treatment plan, and strategies to achieve your goals.